switches to!!!
Biologer project has spread over the Serbian state borders, making a large community in the entire region. As we grow, there was a need to make joint tree of life for all the local databases (RS, HR, BiH), display joint data for the entire region and move software developement activities on a separate place. is shown as the most logical place for such purposes, while serbian Biologer community could easily be linked with the address In the next several weeks, both of this pages will be available, giving you a lot of time to switch to the new domain. In addition, we will soon have a new Android application and suggest all the users from Serbia to make this update.
In the mean time, Biologer Project team is preparing a lot new stuff. In the course of the project "Biologer – online database for biodiversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina", Nikola Popović is deceloping new appliacation for iOS devices. Besides, Biologer is supported through the project "Eco-network for the future of Serbia", where we expect a lot of new developements. Among others, we wil get a joint platform for all the local databases, including separate Birdloger database developed for the Bird Study and Protection Society and a lot of improvements in the user interface.